Friday, June 6, 2014

Come join me in the wonderful and lucrative world of cyber security

CHa Ching!!! Following a number of very high profile cyber-attacks, some of the largest companies in the world are hiring security specialists, not just to fulfill security roles, but also to join corporate boards and provide cyber security guidance from the top down.

Due to these attacks companies have lost hundreds of millions of customer records, including financial details, in attacks.  

With all this happening, this is a GREAT time to become a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO.)  CISOs at major organizations can typically command pay packets of more than $500,000, with some earning as much as $2m.

CISOs typically report to the CIO, however many of the companies now hiring CISOs are looking to make them report directly to the CEO and the board - in some cases, putting them on the board, too.
According to Reuters, global bank JPMorgan Chase, drinks company PepsiCo, US medical giant Cardinal Health, agricultural machine maker Deere & Co and the US Automobile Association (USAA)are just a few of the Fortune 500 companies looking to recruit chief information security officers (CISOs) in order to tighten up their organization’s cyber defenses.
The reason behind this is that that boards fear that they lack the knowledge to make the right decisions on IT security. Boards don't feel they have the right expertise to draw upon. It is not that they don't understand it is a risk; they don't want to blunder uninformed into it" Bottom line…if you had not considered a career in cyber security, now might be the time to do so.

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